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Summary of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry 

Short summary

“The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” confronts the idolatry of speed that is causing so much emotional and relational trauma. The cares of this world choke the word of God in us, making it unfruitful. A simple life manifests outwardly in a person's choices. How you channel time, money, and other resources toward what you consider important will reveal the simplicity within you. This summary would help you simplify your life around the practices of Jesus, and also live from a center of abiding. John Mark Comer is a Portland, Oregon-based pastor at Bridgetown Church. He holds a Master's Degree in Biblical and Theological Studies from Western seminary. “Modernity slowly weakened spirituality, by design and accident, in favor of commerce: it downplayed silence and mere being in favor of noise and constant action.” ~ Andrew Sullivan.

Key points


Our spiritual lives have to fight off a great enemy called “Hurry”

Too many activities prevent people from living emotionally sound, healthy, spiritually rich, and vibrant lives. Being busy is good if you are doing things that matter. Jesus Christ was busy. But when you are so busy that you have to rush to hit your target, being busy becomes unhealthy.
If the devil can’t make you sin, he would make you busy. ~ Corrie Ten Boom
Hurry is the root problem underneath so many of the symptoms of toxicity in our world. In our culture, slow is a pejorative. Some 100 years ago, there was an inverse relationship between status and the volume of work you had to complete. Today, a higher status means more work for you to do. Both sin and busyness are similar — they disconnect you from God, other people, and your soul.
Distraction separates us from ourselves, each other, our destinies, and God.
The pathological busyness that most of us live with as our default setting — the chronic hurry we assume is normal — is far more, well, pathological as in the technical sort.

The world appears to be speeding up. Things were not always as fast as they have become today. Psychologists and mental health professionals are now talking about an epidemic of the modern world: Hurry sickness. Hurry sickness is a behavioral pattern characterized by continual rushing and anxiousness.
Hurry is a form of violence on the soul.
Did you know? A goldfish has an attention span of 9 seconds.

There are limitations to the things we do as humans

Getting more time to spend on tasks will not solve the problem of a hurry. What we need is a simple life that focuses on things that matter. We read in the Bible that we are made in the image of God. But also, we are made from dust.
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Taking a slow, unhurried life will help in bearing the weight of our humanity


Creating a quiet environment deepens one's connection with God


Sabbath helps us cultivate a spirit of restfulness in our lives as a whole


Being simple is an inward reality that is seen in our outward lifestyle



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