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Summary of The 4-Hour Body 

What’s inside

Grasp the findings and research of professionals on hacking the human body and start redesigning yours to change your life.

Key points


The billionaire productivity secret and the experimental lifestyle

How do you become more productive?

Richard Branson leaned back and thought for a second. The tropical sounds of his private oasis, Necker Island, murmured in the background. Twenty people sat around him at rapt attention, wondering what a billionaire’s answer would be to one of the big questions — perhaps the biggest question — of business.

The group had been assembled by marketing impresario Joe Polish to brainstorm growth options for Richard’s philanthropic Virgin Unite. It was one of his many new ambitious projects. Virgin Group already had more than 300 companies, more than 50,000 employees, and $25 billion per year in revenue. In other words, Branson had personally built an empire larger than the GDP of some developing countries.

Then he broke the silence: “Work out.”

He was serious and elaborated: Working out gave him at least four additional hours of productive time every day.

The cool breeze punctuated his answer like an exclamation point.

The 4-hour body (4HB) is much more than a book. It is a manifesto, a call to arms for a new mental model of living: the experimental lifestyle.
It’s up to you — not your doctor, not the newspaper — to learn what you best respond to.
The benefits go far beyond the physical.

If you understand politics well enough to vote for a president, or if you have ever filed taxes, you can learn a few important scientific rules for redesigning your body. These rules will become your friends, 100% reliable and trusted.

This changes everything.

This book is not intended as a comprehensive treatise on all things related to the human body. The goal is to share what the author, Tim Ferris, has found to be 2.5% that delivers 95% of the results in rapid body redesign and performance enhancement. If you are already at 5% body fat or bench pressing 400 pounds, you are in the top 1% of humans and are now in the world of incremental gains. This bite-sized book is for the other 99% of people who want to experience near-unbelievable gains in short periods.

The Minimum Effective Dose delivers the most dramatic results in the least amount of time

The minimum effective dose (MED) is simply the smallest dose that will produce the desired outcome. Anything beyond the MED is wasteful.
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How to lose 20 pounds in 30 days without exercise


Damage Control — preventing fat gain when you binge


The microbiome, balancing bacteria for fat loss


Steroids 101 — fact vs fiction


Building the perfect posterior


6-minute abs — two exercises that work


Improving sex


The Practice and How-To the 15-minute orgasm


Effortless Superhuman — breaking world records with Barry Ross



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You’ll learn

The concept of the 4-hour body
How MED works
How to gain 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days
How to produce 15-minute female orgasms
How to lose 30 pounds in 30 days without exercising

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