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Summary of Hamilton 

Short summary

It isn’t easy to find someone who hasn’t at least heard about the phenomenal Tony-winning musical Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Its worldwide success was groundbreaking for the genre. This summary tells the incredible story of two Hamilton-related revolutions — historical and musical — in the 1800s and 2010. This wonderful retelling of Hamilton’s creation by Lin-Manuel Miranda, a three times Tony winner, singer, and playwright, and Jeremy McCarter, an acclaimed journalist and bestselling author, spills the beans and takes us behind the scenes of the world of casting, rehearsals, and life-changing experiences. You will discover how barely tangible dreams can turn into a wonderful reality in the following chapters. “Sometimes the right person tells the right story at the right moment, and through a combination of luck and design, a creative expression gains new force.” ~ Jeremy McCarter

Key points


The dual nature of Hamilton

What later became an acclaimed Broadway musical that would go on to tour the world and win 11 Tony Awards was at first an absolutely crazy idea. During his vacation in Mexico, Lin-Manuel Miranda caught an infectious inspiration while reading Ron Chernow’s biography of Alexander Hamilton — one of the United States founding fathers, an immigrant, and a desperate hot head. At first, Lin-Manuel Miranda was thinking of creating a hip-hop concept album about Hamilton’s life. Only much later, when it was already in the works, the ambitious idea to transform it into a musical appeared.

Hamilton is a story of two different revolutions — the 18th-century revolution, mirrored in the show’s libretto, and the musical and societal revolution that the show itself triggered. The story of the show’s creation is a wonderful and inspiring testimony to the power of ambition and human creativity.
The narrative of the show’s creation amplifies the show’s themes. ~ Jeremy McCarter
Even though Hamilton looks almost effortless when you see it on stage, its creation definitely wasn’t. It took approximately 1000 different choices for this musical to become what it is now.

In the following chapters, we’ll dive into the story of the musical and American revolutions: behind-the-scenes action, peculiarities of casting, and creating music, costumes, and decorations.
The story of Hamilton shows how the idea of a single person can transform hundreds of lives.

The intertwining of history and fiction

When Lin-Manuel Miranda began to work on the lyrics of the first Hamilton songs, questions started pouring out of him, so he needed to know the smallest details of the founding father’s daily routine and habits. He sought out Ron Chernow, who was best equipped to answer due to his extensive knowledge about Hamilton’s life.
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Revolutionary decorations for the revolutionary show


Hamilton is all about talent and hard work


The cast’s favorite audience were always children


The power of raw, unfiltered emotions



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